Our company offers the service of pile loading tests, which allows us to carry out the whole range of services, from pile testing, to the installation of the entire pile field. That gives a customer significant time savings and the convenience of working with one contractor. Modern practice in the construction of pile foundations for various purposes is aimed at the use of large capacity piles with the bearing capacity of more than 1000 tons. A reduction in number of piles in structures reduces the material consumption and labor costs of construction, as well as its payback and time. At the same time, the role of field pile loading tests conducted to substantiate legitimacy to confirm the reliability and quality of structural and technological solutions and the foundation building, significantly increases. Performing of field pile loading tests is regulated in Russia by the requirements of GOST 5686. Tests are carried out at the stages of engineering surveys, design and during the construction of facilities.
A structure of the installation for pile loading tests with static indentations, pulling or horizontal loads includes are following:
- device for pile loading (jacks or packaged cargo);
- supporting structure for the perception of reactive forces (a system of beams or trusses with anchor piles and/or a cargo platform);
- a device for measuring the movements of the pile in the process of testing (a reference system with leverarm deflection indicators).
Pile loading tests with a static load are made in order to find out the indications of their actual bearing capacity. Thanks to our experience of carrying out such work, often the carrying capacity of piles as a result of full-scale tests significantly exceeds their bearing capacity, obtained by calculation, which leads to a reduction in the number of necessary piles in the pile field and saving the customer's funds.- device for pile loading (jacks or packaged cargo);
- supporting structure for the perception of reactive forces (a system of beams or trusses with anchor piles and/or a cargo platform);
- a device for measuring the movements of the pile in the process of testing (a reference system with leverarm deflection indicators).
- Входим в СРО по проектированию и производству строительных работ
- Обладаем сертификацией по международной системе контроля качества ISO 9001
- Опыт работы на объектах энергетики (ГРЭС, ГЭС и т д.)
- Оснащены комплексным парком специализированной импортной техникой и оборудыванием таких известных марок как CASAGRANDE, MDT, TECNIWELL, CATERPILLER, MITSUBISHI (40+ единиц)
- Строительство метрополитена
- Реконструкция и усиление существующих зданий
- Строительство промышленных объектов
нефтехимической, газовой, машиностроительной
и пищевой промышленности - Подземные паркинги
- Объекты энергетики (ГРЭС, ГЭС и т д.)
- Фундаменты административных и жилых зданий
и сооружений. - Инфраструктурные проекты (мосты,
дорожные развязки, морские и авиа порты)