- Reinforced concrete or metallic beams are inserted into holes made in the foundation.
- Building a new foundation by underpinning an old one (partial or full underpinning).
- Constructing piles for underpinning (to improve foundation stability if there is soil subsidence under the building with increasing load on it).
- mistakes made during the construction of the building;
- Failures in the design;
- Significant changes in the main characteristics of the ground, which have occurred since the construction of the house. Such changes include an increase in the level of groundwater, waterlogged soil or ground float;
- Significant increase in the load on the foundation as a result of reconstruction and re-planning;
- Internal and external dynamic effects (vibration);
- Construction of a nearby area or the laying of communications, with a large-scale excavation.
As a result, the failure rate of the whole structure can be eliminated only in one way - by strengthening its foundation. It is important to use only sparing methods that will not lead to a worsening of the situation.
We offer our services to produce this type of work. Our company employs professionals who are able to find a competent approach to the task of any complexity. Their experience and professionalism combined with the available high-tech equipment allow us to guarantee quality of each stage.
The problem of strengthening foundations in the reconstruction of buildings is particularly relevant in large cities. The main reason is the commercial attractiveness of the purchase of buildings in the central part of the city and the superstructure of additional floors. As a result, the load on the foundation increases.
Another task requiring reinforcement of foundations is the yield of the building foundation and as a result the appearance of cracks on the walls. Similar problems arise in the case of improper use of buildings and waterlogged soil at the base of foundations, or due to mistakes made in the design or construction.
If the reconstruction of the building takes place without increasing the loads on the foundations, then in this case cementation of the soils at the base of the foundations, as well as strengthening of the foundation masonry is usually carried out. In case of increasing loads from the building, the reinforcement of the foundations is carried out by drilling injections piles construction. The same method strengthens the foundations of buildings during construction near a new building with the excavation of pit.
Augercast piles (micro piles) are drilling piles with a diameter of up to 300 mm which could be made using different technologies. This type of piles includes, for example, self-drilling piles Titan or Atlant®. The essence of the technology of Titan pile is a combination of drilling and cementation operations. In this case, special hollow drill rods are used, which, after drilling, remain in the body of the pile as a reinforcing element. Diameter of Titan piles is 150-250 mm.
In case where piles of higher load-bearing capacity are required, MiniJet® drill piles are used. In contrast to the Titan piles, an increased pressure of the cement spray jet of 150-200 atm is used with MiniJet®. Diameter of the MiniJet piles is 250-400 mm. Installation of Titan and Atlant boring pits can be performed from the basement of the building. In this case, a small-sized drilling rig is used.
Technology of underpinning is most often performed using the following basic methods:
1. With the use of reinforced concrete or metal beams passed through the holes in the foundation;
2. A construction of a new foundation by putting it under the old one (partially or completely);
3. Pile reinforcement (necessary to improve the stability of the foundation base, with uneven large subsidence under the building, with a significant increase in load).
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