At the heart of this technology is the process of drilling a preliminary leader well, diameter of which is equal to 80-90 percent of the diameter of the support itself.
This technology is used in the following circumstances:
- increased strength of the surface ground base to a depth of several meters, leading to the destruction of piles during their impact or vibration immersion;
- a geo cutting of strong sand layers with a thickness of 2.5 m, which determines a possible displacement of the ground during the upkeep of buildings;
- if necessary, level vibration and shock loads when driving support bases to nearby houses and structures in conditions of dense urban development;
- to ensure the depth of pile driving in soils of increased hardness, while the depth of drilling is not drilled to 2.0-2.5 meters;
- if there is no possibility of immersing the pile support to the desired mark by conventional means.
This type of drilling is used not only to facilitate the dipping of finished reinforced concrete piles, but also to reduce the drilling time of bored piles.
- The process of installing piles on a finished well occurs in a strictly defined direction, a lower resistance to immersion allows one to obtain a full support, perceiving the load as much as possible;
- The use of this technology allows us to use for the construction of a site with unfavorable grounds, previously not exploited for safety reasons of buildings.
Advantages of this technology:
1. Leader wells allow plugging reinforced concrete piles to be loaded into any types of soils;
2. The implementation of the technology allows to significantly increase the maximum depth of piling;
3. Leader well performing the guiding function, makes it possible to perform perfectly smooth pile driving, without any vertical deviations;
4. When the pile is immersed in a pre-drilled well, the destructive vibrational effect on the foundations of nearby structures is significantly reduced, which makes it possible to equip the pile foundations in the densely built-up area of the city.
1. Kelly bar is used to create bored piles, which are finished factory products.
2. Slurry Wall installation is produced in deep and narrow trenches immediately after excavation. They are poured with a bentonite solution, which is then replaced by reinforced concrete elements or monolithic concrete.
3. Reinforced piles are created by pumping out the soil while the developed well is filled with concrete mortar.
4. Piles are formed by mixing in the drilled hole the soil with cement, special additives and water.
4. Micropiling (or micropills installation) is used to reinforce the foundations of buildings already built.
5. Jet Grouting technology is used to strengthen the soil by forming soil piles.
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